Congratulations to Bready Mix on Joining the Doctors & Chefs Program

Vancouver-based Bready Mix becomes the second brand of products to receive the Food Created by Doctors & Chefs Certification, providing more clarity and assurance to health-conscious consumers.

VANCOUVER, February 23, 2022 / Project Healthy Human, a division of Peqish Food Company, is proud to welcome Bready Mix to the Food Created by Doctors & Chefs certification licensing program. Vancouver based Bready Mix produces clean high protein, low carb full taste multigrain, sandwich bread and hamburger bun bake at home retail food services mixes. It is also the world’s first Keto-certified clean bread mix.

Bready Mix joins fellow Vancouver brand, Peqish, in becoming the second company with products certified through the Food Created by Doctors & Chefs program. The certification is built on a proprietary scoring algorithm, which looks at three key components of food: the nutritional value, the manufacturing process, and the clinical and health implications of consumption. Certified products will carry the Food Created by Doctors & Chefs label, which is built on the philosophy that producers must be transparent with what exactly goes into the food; simple, clean ingredients make the best food for you and your health. The overall goal is to further the mission of helping people to adopt healthier food and beverage choices and raising their awareness of the importance of nutritious diets.

Finally, Consumers Can Be Confident About Health Claims with Project Healthy Human

“From the very beginning the partnership with the Project Healthy Human team was predicated on the same vision and ethics”, says Jens Schuster, the founder of Bready Mix. “We complement each other on both the product and consumer education side and share a vision of better food enabling healthier lives. The Healthy Human team have given us professional and valuable guidance on how to source fully clean ingredients and on how to best position our offerings in the North American market as being healthier. Furthermore, the Project Healthy Human team has been instrumental in introducing Bready Mix to distributors and retailers across Canada.”

Jens continues, “The license program Food Created by Doctors & Chefs backs our mission to educate the consumer market on the benefits of clean food. In addition, the Doctors & Chefs program serves enormously as multiplicator and product promoter to create awareness of our brand in the B2B space.”

Dr. Anthony Marotta, founder of Food Created by Doctors & Chefs echoes Jens’ ethos of clean food, adding “The reason we certified these bread products is not that it offered a Keto designation but because it had a very clean ingredient deck. One of the cleanest breads that I’ve seen that actually tastes good too. I’m pleased that it’s also Keto-certified, benefiting individuals with a weight management issues and those patients who struggle with metabolic disorders. We think that this is an excellent option for them to discuss with their health care practitioner. We know that nutritious food is medicine. It’s restorative and contributes to your well being.”

”We have worked with Bready Mix and conducted testing to improve the quality of the product. The support and alignment from Jens and his manufacturers to take our feedback constructively has driven the product to be even better for you. I am pleased that our Health Advisory team is the leading source for expert advice on health.

“By working with and certifying other brands, we can support emerging companies who are inspired to build healthier-for-you products”, states Dr. Marotta.





Dr. Anthony Marotta, CEO and Health Advisor, Peqish Food Company


About Peqish and Food Created by Doctors & Chefs

Peqish was founded by two Vancouver-based clinical scientists who saw the significant negative health impact of poor eating habits and were inspired to create a healthier alternative. They assembled a team of doctors and clinical experts to advise Peqish on product development and nutrition and select the healthiest ingredients.

Over 100 years of combined clinical, healthcare and pharmaceutical experience informs Peqish’s delicious breakfast, lunch and snack offerings. These are nutritionally dense, of ideal portion size, and personalized to accommodate various dietary restrictions based on clinical and/or personal choices.

The Health Advisory Team and Peqish’s product experience has now evolved into the Project Healthy Human and the Food Created by Doctors & Chefs certification program to enable other food producers to leverage this valuable knowledge and ensure their products have the highest nutrition. Project Healthy Human is leading a transformative movement that inspires people to get back to eating truly healthy foods.