10 Simple Strategies for Eating Healthier Every Day

Are you looking to begin a healthy lifestyle? Eating nutritiously doesn’t have to be tedious and bland - it should make you feel good, give your body energy, and brighten up your day. Getting into the habit of eating healthy foods does take some effort, but this guide will provide tips that are easy-to-follow!

You’ll get tips on creating an ideal balanced diet with helpful hints on mindful consumption of food groups. Plus, how meal prep can lead to better choices in food intake throughout the week. So let’s start together as we embark upon a journey towards achieving optimal wellness through proper nutrition!

Key Takeaways

  • A balanced healthy diet includes whole grains, lean proteins, vegetables and fruits, and healthy fats, which are crucial for reducing the risk of disease and maintaining optimal health.

  • Making smart food swaps, practicing portion control and mindful eating, and planning meals can significantly improve dietary patterns and contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

  • Reducing processed food intake, staying hydrated, engaging in regular physical activity, and tracking progress toward dietary goals are key strategies for achieving and maintaining a healthier diet.

  • Consuming a plant-rich diet is not only beneficial but also crucial for overall health. Numerous research studies demonstrate that a diet abundant in whole plant foods can significantly reduce the risk of various diseases.

Building a Balanced Diet


Meet the stars of your balanced diet: an array of whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables, gathered together on a rustic wooden table. Each grain and fruit has journeyed from different parts of the world, carrying with them a wealth of nutrients and flavors. Together, they form a symphony of tastes and textures, ready to fuel your body and delight your palate. They are not just food, they are nature's bounty, waiting to be transformed into nourishing meals that support your health and wellness journey.


Creating a healthy diet isn’t just about consuming fewer calories. It’s essential to have a wide array of nutritious foods that offer the essential nutrients that your body needs for optimal wellbeing and energy. A balanced diet consists of: whole grains, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, as well as healthy fats. This kind of healthy eating patterns and regimen can be extremely beneficial in curbing weight gain, minimizing risk factors associated with high blood pressure and heart disease too!

So how do you adjust to this type of lifestyle? The best way is to make gradual modifications to your healthy eating choices such as increasing dietary fiber intake while decreasing added sugars or sodium levels along with saturated fat consumption. By gradually incorporating these changes into your life over time it will help you achieve balance within your food choices which could significantly improve general health in the long run!

Whole Grains

For a balanced diet, whole grains are essential. Refined grains lack the all-important bran, germ and endosperm that comprise them. While these components of whole grains offer dietary fiber to support feelings of satiety as well as maintaining even blood sugar levels. Brown rice, quinoa oats, barley, buckwheat and millet can supply crucial nutrients while boosting insulin sensitivity for controlling glucose metabolism too! These positive effects make adding wholesome options like wholegrain pastas into your regimen most beneficial.

Lean Proteins


Behold a plate that tells a tale of wholesome nutrition: a perfectly grilled fish, its flavors sealed within its golden-brown crust; lentils, the humble legumes packed with protein; and a medley of vibrant vegetables, each bringing a unique crunch and color to the narrative. This is more than just a meal, it's a story of balance, health, and vitality.


When it comes to maintaining a balanced diet, lean proteins are an essential component. Lean protein sources include seafood, poultry, eggs, legumes and soy products like nuts and seeds. These should be low in saturated fat. To ensure this is the case, select lower-fat cuts of meat with any visible fats trimmed off. Incorporating plant based proteins such as lentils or chickpeas into your routine can also provide beneficial amino acids which are necessary for efficient body functioning.

Vegetables and Fruits


Feast your eyes on this vibrant collection of fresh fruits and vegetables. Each one, a colorful character in the grand tale of nutrition. The radiant reds of the tomatoes, the crisp greens of the lettuce, the sunny yellows of the bell peppers, and the deep purples of the eggplants all tell a story of nature's bounty. They are not just ingredients, but key players in the journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Each one packed with vital nutrients, ready to nourish your body and tantalize your taste buds. Together, they form a tapestry of taste and nutrition, ready to turn any meal into a symphony of health and flavor.


Creating a healthy diet should involve consumption of vegetables and fruits to gain the many benefits they possess. Filled with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber – all low in calories but high in nutrients. Eating five servings daily can help prevent various diseases while promoting good health overall. A single serving size is 80g or half a cup for raw produce. While fruit juices and smoothies can be a part of a healthy diet, moderation is key due to their sugar content. Not only do these drinks often contain high levels of sugar, but the sugar in them is also more bioavailable, meaning it is easily absorbed by the body. This can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels. Therefore, it's recommended to limit consumption to no more than one serving per day. If you live in an area where access to fresh vegetables and fruit is limited, opt for frozen vegetables and frozen fruits.

Healthy Fats


Welcome to the meeting of the healthy fats club, starring the creamy avocado, the crunchy nuts, and the smooth olive oil! Gathered on a rustic wooden board, they're ready to bring a wealth of nutrients to your diet. The avocado, with its rich, buttery texture, is packed with monounsaturated fats. The nuts, each one a tiny powerhouse of both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. And the olive oil, a staple in Mediterranean diets, is a liquid testament to the benefits of monounsaturated fats. Together, they make up a trio of delicious and nutritious options, ready to be incorporated into your meals for a healthier lifestyle.


Healthy fats play a crucial role in a balanced diet. These include saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats. Saturated fats, found in animal products and tropical oils, should be limited due to their potential impact on heart health. Monounsaturated fats, found in foods like avocados, nuts, and olive oil, can help lower bad cholesterol levels and provide essential nutrients. Polyunsaturated fats, found in fatty fish and walnuts, include omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that are essential for brain function and cell growth.

Polyunsaturated Fats: Omega-3 and Omega-6

Polyunsaturated fats are a type of dietary fat that is crucial for your health. Among them, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are the most well-known. These fats are not produced by the body, making them essential fats that must be obtained from our diet.

Omega-3 fatty acids are renowned for their anti-inflammatory properties, which can help protect the body against various diseases. They are found in certain types of fish such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna, as well as in flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts. Omega-3 is subdivided into eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). EPA and DHA are primarily found in oily fish, and are known for their heart health benefits, while ALA, found in plant sources, is converted in small amounts to EPA and DHA in the body.

Omega-6 fatty acids, on the other hand, are typically pro-inflammatory. While inflammation is necessary for our body's defense mechanism, an excess of it can lead to various health issues. Omega-6 fatty acids are commonly found in various types of vegetable oils, including soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, and safflower oil, as well as in nuts and seeds. Let's take a look at the Omega-3 and Omega-6 content of some common used oils and fats:


Oils Comparison Evaluating Omega-6 and Omega-3 Levels

Figure 1. Levels and Ratios of Omega-6 and Omega-3. Omega-6 is pro-inflammatory whereas Omega-3 is anti-inflammatory.

As shown in the figure above, different oils have different amounts of Omega-6 which promotes inflammation and Omega-3 that suppressed inflammation.

In a typical North American diet, the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 is estimated to be around 15:1, which is far from the recommended ratio of 4:1. This imbalance is not just a minor discrepancy; it's a significant issue that can have serious implications on our health. The Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids are both essential for our bodies, meaning we must get them from our diet. They both play crucial roles in cell function and the immune system. However, they have opposing effects when it comes to inflammation. While Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory, helping to reduce inflammation and protect against diseases, Omega-6 fatty acids can promote inflammation. While controlled inflammation is necessary for our body's defense mechanism, an excess of it can lead to various health issues including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Therefore, maintaining a balanced ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 is essential for optimal health.

Liquid Oils Ranked From Best to Worst Based on Omega 6:3 Ratio

Figure 2. Ranking of Liquid Oils Based on Omega-6:3 Ratios. When it comes to the Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio in oils, Safflower Oil takes the top spot as the worst with a staggering 752:1 ratio, making it the least recommended for a balanced diet. On the other end of the spectrum, Canola Oil has a much healthier ratio of 2.23:1, making it one of the best choices for maintaining a balanced intake of these essential fatty acids. Peanut and Sesame Oils were excluded as they have no measurable Omega-3.

Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA), Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), and Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)

Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA), Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), and Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) are all types of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential fats that our bodies cannot produce and thus must be obtained from our diet.

ALA is the most common Omega-3 fat found in our diets. It is predominantly found in plant oils such as flaxseed, soybean, and canola oils. ALA is an essential fat, which means it is crucial to our health, but our bodies cannot produce it, thus we must obtain it from dietary sources.

DHA and EPA, on the other hand, are primarily found in certain kinds of fish. These Omega-3 fats are known for their heart health benefits, including reducing inflammation and lowering blood pressure.

However, it's important to note that most oils, especially vegetable oils, contain predominantly ALA form of Omega-3. While our bodies can convert some ALA into EPA and DHA, this process is not very efficient. Therefore, it is recommended to include sources of DHA and EPA in your diet, such as fatty fish, to ensure adequate intake of these beneficial Omega-3s.

Smart Swaps for Healthier Choices

Changing your diet for the better doesn’t mean you have to give up all of your favorite snacks and dishes. It is about making smart switches when grocery shopping - such as trading in sugary drinks like soda for low-fat, unsweetened beverages avoiding packaged food or eating vegetables in favor of chips or healthy snacks. Regardless of what you choose to snack on, we recommend that snacks should be about 200 calories.

We also recommend opting for whole grain products rather than refined grains can be another wise replacement. Substitute white bread with 100% whole wheat bread. These little adjustments will really boost overall wellness while allowing one to eat healthy and still enjoy meals that taste delicious!

Portion Control and Mindful Eating

By adopting mindful eating habits, we can cultivate a balanced diet and reduce calories consumed. To achieve this goal, one must pay attention to their body’s hunger signals when consuming food. Eating at a slower pace allows the brain time for its fullness signal to reach before overeating or taking in too many calories occurs. Moderation is important, by only allowing our bodies the amount of nutrition it needs from meals will naturally promote appropriate portions sizes that fit within dietary guidelines.

Meal Planning and Prep

For a healthier lifestyle, it is helpful to plan meals in advance and have them prepped. Having plenty of staples such as fruits and vegetables that can be quickly prepared will make the process much smoother. To achieve this goal, you could reorganize your fridge and utensils for easy access while also using meal-prep containers so nothing gets wasted when preparing meals ahead of time. And don't forget, starting your day with a healthy breakfast is key, as it kickstarts your metabolism and sets the tone for a day of healthy eating. These tips are great ways to save energy when creating healthy dishes during the week!

Navigating Restaurants and Takeout

When striving to eat healthier, selecting better choices when dining out or ordering takeout can be hard. But with some planning, you can still have a great time while pursuing your healthy eating goals. Beforehand, examine the menu for more nutritious options such as grilled meat and salads. Keep an eye on portion sizes by using small plates and understanding serving amounts so that overconsumption doesn’t happen at restaurants either. You could even ask for smaller dishes or eat smaller meals or half-sized portions in order to limit food intake properly when away from home cooking.

Snacking Smarter


Behold a bowl of smart snacking: a vibrant medley of fresh fruits, a generous sprinkle of crunchy nuts, a dusting of granola, and a final touch of shredded coconut. Each element, a chapter in the tale of healthy munching. The fruits, each a burst of natural sweetness and vitamins. The nuts, bringing in a satisfying crunch and a dose of good fats. The granola, adding a hearty texture and a hint of whole grains. And finally, the shredded coconut, lending a tropical twist and a boost of fiber. This isn't just a snack, it's a mini adventure in nutrition, ready to fuel your day, one delicious bite at a time.


Finding healthy snacks is an excellent way to regulate hunger and maintain energy levels throughout the day. Some nutritious options include nuts, yogurt, vegetable sticks with hummus dip, cheese on whole- grain bread, crackers or protein bars. If you are in a rush for something easy-to-grab, pre-packaged alternatives such as pistachios, dried apricots or cashews will also do! Making homemade treats can be really fun – why not try Air Fryer Kale Chips? Healthy oatmeal cookies and strawberries ‘n’ cream Granola. Bars would make a delicious snack that packs plenty of nutrition too, especially fresh fruit!

Staying Hydrated

Hydration is just as vital in preserving a balanced diet as nutrition. One should consume 6 to 8 glasses of fluid daily, primarily water. Other options such as low-fat milk and sugar reduced drinks can be included too - but it’s important not to overindulge with sugary beverages or fruit juices due to the high levels of sugar they contain. When the weather is hot outside or you are engaging in physical activities that involve sweating more frequently than usual, you need an increased intake of fluids to replace what has been lost through sweat quickly enough.

Exercise and Physical Activity

Regular exercise and physical activity is an important component of maintaining a balanced diet. Exercise can lower your risk for serious illnesses, aid overall wellbeing, and help with weight control.

Combining frequent activities with the right nutritional plan will not only cause you to lose weight or to drop pounds, but also assist in sustaining healthy weights over time. Take up whatever type of workout that gives pleasure - running, strolling, cycling or anything else – just make it part of daily routine habitually.

Reducing Processed Foods

Processed foods are any raw agricultural commodities that have been changed from their usual state, typically causing nutrient deficiencies and the addition of unhealthy components. Ingredient lists for processed foods tend to be long on packaged items, so it’s crucial to read labels vigilantly for making better and healthier food choices when possible. Diminishing your intake of processed products can substantially influence your health. These unhealthy foods usually contain large concentrations of salt, sugar, and unwholesome fats, which increase the likelihood of heart disease, elevated blood pressure levels, and obesity risks.

Tracking Progress and Setting Goals

Staying motivated, committed and tracking one’s progress can help make the pursuit of healthy weight and eating much more achievable. Begin by creating realistic goals that you know you can meet, such as increasing your intake of fruits and veggies or lowering sugar consumption in order to create a beneficial diet routine. To monitor developments accurately utilize practices like keeping track with journals on food consumed, document alterations through photographs besides merely focusing on weight loss numbers alone. Paying attention to how well it makes us feel physically is essential too!


On the way to a healthier diet, don’t be discouraged – take small steps. Replace processed items with whole grains and make sure you have enough lean meats, proteins, fruits and veggies as well as healthy fats on your plate. Practice portion control too!

Planning healthy meals well ahead of time can help you reach nutritional goals while staying hydrated. Add in some exercise for even better results. Keep track of what works (and what doesn’t) so that it’s easier to meet those realistic targets you set out for yourself, perseverance is key here! Stay dedicated to eating healthily: this will lead to improved overall wellbeing over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when you eat healthier?

Making healthy dietary changes can help you shed pounds, lower your cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and minimize the danger of developing type 2 diabetes.

Which is a strategy for eating healthier?

To improve your diet, try incorporating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins while reducing saturated fats, salt intake and added sugars. Select alternatives to saturated fat, such as choosing foods made of whole grain ingredients that include unsaturated fats for healthier eating habits.

Does eating healthy really make a difference?

Maintaining a healthy diet with the correct portions can assist in decreasing weight, elevating cholesterol and blood pressure levels to more appropriate ones as well as significantly minimizing chances of developing type 2 diabetes. All this makes for significant improvement regarding overall wellness. It is essential that important elements like eating properly are taken into account if achieving health goals is desired.

How can I make healthier choices when dining out?

When eating out, take the time to study the restaurant offerings beforehand and select healthier meal options such as salads or grilled items. Pay attention to how much food is being consumed by opting for smaller plate sizes if desired.

What are some nutritious snack options?

For a healthier diet, adding some nutritious snacks to your routine is an excellent idea. Some tasty options are fresh fruit, nuts, dried apricots and homemade foods like Healthy Oatmeal Cookies or Air Fryer Kale Chips. These can provide both flavor and nourishment that will benefit you in the long run!


US Department of Agriculture - Food Data Central

  1. Canola Oil

  2. Coconut Oil

  3. Corn Oil

  4. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  5. Peanut Oil

  6. Safflower Oil

  7. Soybean Oil

  8. Sunflower Oil

Additional Resources

Healthy Eating

What Does It Mean to Eat Healthy

Frequently Asked Questions

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